We have been approached by a sympathetic MLA and are attempting to create a legitimate database of Alberta Health Care Workers who have been affected by this mandate, to present to government as proof of fraudulent statistical reporting.
The information collected in this survey is protected and secure. the only person to whom the names will be released is the Attorney General, but the statistics will be made available at the bottom of this web page soon!
Total Submissions: 1205
- 814+ People were placed on unpaid LOA
- 58+ People were offered testing
- 877+ People were NOT offered testing
- 44+ People quit due to the mandate
- 580+ People did not submit their medical status
- 83+ People vaccinated due to AHS coercion
- 14+ People were given an exemption
- 364+ People had their exemption denied
- 47+ People affected are contract workers
- 238+ People had a positive antibody test/natural immunity
- 132+ People went on stress leave
- 23+ People are on medical leave
- 239+ People will be placed on ULOA upon return due to non compliance
- 34+ People are on WCB
- 55+ People are on short term disability
- 13+ People are on long term disability
- 17+ People are now retired because of the mandate