October 26 Update

Last nights meeting was represented by COC, CFD, CPS, EPS, med hat fire, EMS and Frontline4freedom. The goal is to amalgamate with more groups as we find each other.  Here are some of the meeting notes:

1) they want to unite the different groups and have a united front

2) they want to create a ICS command structure within the group to filter information back and forth and to prevent us from “reinventing the wheel”.

3) Frontline4Freedom is looking for possible representation from Rocco Gallati. He is taking a non disclosure stance. This mean you can’t have put in an exemption and you can’t agree to rapid testing. (Waiting on confirmation on this) He will consider the case based on numbers.

Sign up here : https://takeactioncanada.ca/911legal-action/

4) Carrol Crosson is submitting a letter on Oct 29 on behalf of the COC. There is also a phone consult with a lawyer named Shawn Leclerc on Thursday.

5) do not quit, it will not be feasible to have legal representation this way. If you are placed on a LOA its considered constructive dismissal and a case can be opened for severance pay

6) There is a timeline to grieve with your union. COC is grieving theirs.

7) Icor is pushing the government for recognizing natural immunity but the government wont talk to them

8) frontline4freedom is looking at joining forces with takeactioncanada.ca.

9) Otter and ACR are apps that record and transcribe conversations on the phone. You can use this to record conversations with your supe or manager.

10) If you email your boss about any vax status write that you’re under duress and without prejudice. This way you are not blatantly ignoring their request

11) People are encouraged to read and sign the letter written by the RCMP. As of yesterdat there was 40089 people that signed the open letter. Find this here: https://mounties4freedom.ca There will be another meeting scheduled for Friday at 2030 h